2012. jún. 17.


Sikeresen átvészeltük a ballagást.
Hihetetlenül jó volt, de hogy megmondjam az őszintét, akkor volt a legjobb mikor már egypáran leléptek... :) Meg hát a vége lett a legjobb, mikor már a "bandázós brigád" maradt meg.
Itt voltak tizenegyig, aztán akkor mi elmentünk lyukba.
Ja meg kimentünk a tóra is fürödtünk is... *-*
Hát király volt. Komolyan, rég éreztem magam ilyen tök jól.
Mindenkivel megbeszéltünk minden "problémát" úgyhogy vita sincs.
Néztem ilyen totemállatos tesztet. Az jött ki, amire számítottam, úgyhogy fasza. Itt az eredményem is:

Certificate: Test results
What Totem Animal Are You?

For 32 % you are: You are...AN EAGLE! You're serious, concentrated, calculating, and judging. You are a natural born leader, and can be compassionate towards close friends. You may come off rather bossy to some. 

You could also get this result:
For 32 % you are: You are...A WOLF! Your utmost priority is leadership and kindness. You make friends easily and steadily, learn quickly, and care about others, hurting as much as they do when they're having a hard time. 

Or even this one:
For 26 % you are: You are...A DEER! You're artistic, creative, very compassionate, gentle, and kind. You like to delve into very complicated artistic activities such as drawing, sketching, or playing music. You're always there when a friend needs you. 

Or even this one:
For 11 % you are: You are...A BEAR! You're laid back, rather easygoing, and compassionate. You are rather unorganized, like to eat, and may be overweight. You cry over trivial matters, often, but are also there when a friend needs a laugh.
Úr isten, szerdán szóbelizek O__o 'sszem kéne tanulnom.... o.o

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